In a nutshell

The Council for National Open Science Coordination (CoNOSC) is a network of national Open Science coordinators in the UN-European region. It was created by France, Finland, and the Netherlands in 2019.

On 21 October 2019, in Helsinki, representatives of the ERAC countries were invited to discuss the creation of a network of open science coordination. Twenty-one countries attended, as well as the European Commission. Participants agreed that it was necessary to create such a network to enable the coordination of national efforts in the field of open science.

The objectives and organizational principles of this network are:

– CoNOSC helps to fill in the gaps in national open science coordination through information, connection and collaboration. 

– CoNOSC provides valuable insights on OS policy matters through the dialogue with its members and other open science partners.

– CoNOSC membership is open to at least all countries within the UN-European Region.

CoNOSC brings together national OS leaders to engage in an international dialogue and to share good practice for a stronger and more unified workable Open Science policy framework.

Our Memorandum of Understanding can be found here.