CoNOSC membership is open to at least all countries within the UN-European region. CoNOSC brings together a group of key national OS policymakers who promote the Open Science agenda in their respective countries. We seek two to three representatives per country.

CoNOSC members are generally national OS coordinators, ministry representatives with OS in their portfolio or high-level national OS experts, i.e. OS policy decision-makers. CoNOSC takes into account the differences in how Open Science is organised across countries and takes a flexible approach when recruiting members. Members can be nominated by the CoNOSC Board, by other members. National OS co-ordinators may also reach out to request joining CoNOSC.

Learn more about who our current members are below. Note that where no names are indicated, this is currently under discussion.

If you are from the UN-European region and your country is not yet a member, please consider joining, see details in the “How to become a CoNOSC member” section.
All members need to agree to the CoNSOC MoU.

Current members

Our members include:


Diana Knechtel, Policy Officer for Digitalization in Higher Education, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research


Marc Vanholsbeeck, OS Coordinator, Belgian Science Policy Office

Czech Republic

Eva Hnátková, Independent consultant on Open Science, Ministry Of Education, Youth And Sports

Filip Zrno, Policy Officer, Ministry Of Education, Youth And Sports


Dejana Carić, Scientific projects and programmes coordinator, Croatian Science Foundation


Hanne-Louise Kirkegaard, Senior Advisor, The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science


Ms Aile Tamm, Head of Research Infrastructure, Research and Development Policy Dept, Estonian Ministry of Education and Research


Ms. Marita Kari, Senior Specialist, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies


Marin Dacos, French Coordinator for Open Science, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation – France


Dr. Anna Maria Hoefler, Science Policy Coordinator, ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics

Axel Wodrich, Policy Officer, Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Prof. Michalis Zervakis, Vice-Rector of Research and Lifelong Learning,Technical University of Crete

Ioannis Emiris, President of the Board and General Director, Athena Research Center




Michelle Doran, Open Research Coordinator, NORF


Robert Cimino, Ministry of University and Research – MUR

Elena Giglia, Head Open Science Unit, University of Turin


Aleksandrs Mārtiņš Blūms, Counsellor for Research and Space, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Latvia to the European Union

Edvards Francis Kuks, Social Sciences and Humanities Expert, Ministry of Education and Science

Anna Leiškalne, Senior Expert, Ministry of Education and Science


Kyle Galea, Executive (Policy & Strategy), Malta Council for Science and Technology


Hans de Jonge, Director Open Science NL, Dutch Research Council (NWO)

Karel Luyben, President, EOSC Association, Delft University of Technology

Gerdien Verheuvel, Senior Policy Adviser, Department for Research and Science Policy, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

North Macedonia

Besa Arifi, Pro-Rector for Research and International Relations, South East European University (SEEU)


Vidar L. Haanes, Rector/ Chair, The National Forum for Open Science Universities Norway – Research

Ragnar Lie, Senior Advisor, Universities Norway


Natalia Galica, Open Science Expert, National Science Centre

Anna Wałek, Main specialist, Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH


João Mendes Moreira, Head of Scientific information, Digital Services Unit – Foundation for Science and Technology.

Miguel Andrade, Open Science Team, Digital Services Unit – Foundation for Science and Technology


Dr. Alina Irimia, Open Science projects coordinator, UEFISCDI

Slovak Republic

Jitka Dobbersteinová, Head, Section of Open Science and Research Support, Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information

Matej Harvát, Consultant, Contact Office for Open Access, Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information


Dr. Ivan Skubic, Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Peter Steerle, Secretary, Science Directorate – Science Division, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport


Inmaculada Figueroa, Vice Deputy Director General for the Internationalisation of Science & Innovation, General Secretariat for Research, Ministry of Science and Innovation

Cristina González Copeiro del Villar, Director of Scientific Information, Spanish Foundation for S&T (FECYT)


Dr. Sofie Björling, Head of Department, Research Infrastructures, The Swedish Research Council

Sanja Halling, Senior Research officer, Department of Research Infrastructures, The Swedish Research Council


Isabel Bolliger, Scientific Officer for International Research, Swiss National Science Foundation

Thomas Leibundgut, Co-Coordinator of the Open Science Programme, swissuniversities

Ariane Studer, Deputy Head of Division Higher Education Policy, swissuniversities


Rachel Bruce, Head of Open Research, UK Research and Innovation Strategy (UKRI)


Grygorii Mozolevych, Head of the Expert Group on Integration into the European Research Area, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Oleksandr Berezko, Coordinator of the Ministerial Working Group on the National Plan for Open Science Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University


Michael Arentoft, Head, OS Unit, European Commission

Vinciane Gaillard, Deputy Director for Research & Innovation, European University Association (EUA)

Bregt Saenen, Senior Policy Officer for Open Science, Science Europe