CoNOSC consists of a coalition of national and Open Science policymakers and international experts from the UN-European region. 

CoNOSC Board

CoNOSC is governed by the CoNOSC Board. It has five Board Members. They are nominated and elected by the membership:

Mr Nicolas Fressengeas, Open Science Officer in charge of international affairs for the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France

Dr Alina Irimia, Open Science Coordinator of national OS strategy development and Coordinator of the Open Science Knowledge Hub – UEFISCDI, Romania

Dr Henriikka Mustajoki, Secretary General for Open Science, Finland

Ms Vanessa Proudman, Director, SPARC Europe

Mr Marc Vanholsbeeck, Head of the Department of Federal, Interfederal and International coordination, Belspo Belgian Federal Public Planning Service Science Policy (BELSPO), Belgium

CoNOSC and its Board are supported by SPARC Europe. SPARC Europe facilitates knowledge-exchange activities, meetings and manages CoNOSC membership.


CoNOSC membership is open to at least all countries within the UN-European Region. 

CoNOSC members are generally national OS coordinators, ministry representatives with OS in their portfolio or high-level national OS experts, i.e. OS policy decision-makers. CoNOSC takes into account the differences in how Open Science is organised across countries and takes a flexible approach when recruiting members. Members can be nominated by the CoNOSC Board, by other members. National OS co-ordinators may also reach out to request joining CoNOSC.

Members actively participate in the network by updating CoNOSC on national policy developments and priorities and by engaging in dialogue on key policy matters. 

CoNOSC member meetings occur 3-4 times per year. Membership is free of charge.

Find out more about membership or read the CoNOSC MoU.